The Assistants Guide to Taming Microsoft Teams

The Fast-Start Guide to Making Microsoft Teams Work for You.What it is, what different parts do,working with external members,how to add functionality

Microsoft Teams - It’s a Powerful Beast
(But with my Help YOU can Tame It)

If you haven’t heard of Microsoft Teams by now - what planet have you been living on?
It’s become the go-to communications and collaboration tool for so many companies, organisations and professionals across the world.
There’s no doubting its power - especially when put in the right hands.

Many of your prospects and clients may already be using Teams. They will expect you to know how to use it. They may even think because you are a VA, PA or EA, that you’re someone who knows it inside and out - to the level where you could teach them about it.
(If that’s not the case there might be some awkward moments on the call when you have to ‘fess up to gaps in your 365 skills and knowledge)

Your Knight in Shining Armour

Fear not. Help is at end.

Out of the darkness rides a knight in shining armour. Metaphorically speaking, of course. This short training will come to your rescue and help you master Microsoft Teams (we don’t want to kill this beast, we just want to tame it).

With these lessons, you’re getting a high-level overview plus some of the ‘how to’ basics.

 This means you can talk to people about Teams with clarity and confidence. You’ll know how to set things up so you can put it to good use, for you and your clients.

Here are the Goodies You Get

In this course of around 90 minutes, you will discover:

  • How you can use Microsoft Teams productively with clients
  • The core elements of Teams and what each part does
  • How to set up Teams from Scratch (including Channels)
  • 5 ways to schedule meetings
  • What you must think about when working with External Team Members
  • The different ways to add functionality to Teams

The training is delivered in bite-sized sessions. I guide you step-by-step through the basics so you no longer have to feel overwhelmed, confused or daunted about this powerful tool’s capabilities.

Don’t worry. You won’t be asked to run before you can walk.

All the Essentials Covered

Together with the overview in this course, we get down to some nitty gritty practical stuff.

Let me guide you through the practicalities of the three core elements of Teams: how to create teams and set up Channels; how to schedule meetings; and how to add tabs, chats and files.

In just 90 minutes, you’ll emerge with the know-how to do ALL of the following:

  • Create a team
  • Set up and customise Channels to your needs
  • Invite and manage external guest team members
  • Schedule a Channel meeting
  • Adjust video, mic and background for meetings
  • Use Chat and Private Chat
  • Turn Chats into Video or Audio
  • Add live captions
  • Share your desktop, a file, presentation, video or whiteboard
  • Sort, save and synchronise files and folders
  • Access apps without having to switch out of Teams - it's all done inside
  • Save a Chat, share to Outlook 
  • Add attachments, GIFs and stickers to messages and conversations
  • Share praise with other team members
  • Keep conversations in a single thread
  • Create forms, polls and surveys - and convert to Excel for anaylitics
  • Use the Immersive Reader to make information more accessible

And more...

The Heartbeat of Your Operation

The VA’s and other Assistants who cottoned on to Microsoft Teams early, understand the value of Microsoft Teams - and how it can help them to run their business and serve clients better.

As a communications and collaboration hub, it can be the heartbeat of all you do.

When I shared this training at the Exec Sec Tech virtual event, people were excited about the possibilities they could see by using this powerful tool.

You have so much at your command, all in one place.

You don’t need Zoom but it does integrate smoothly with Zoom. You don’t need Dropbox for storage but you can access it inside Teams. You don’t need to jump out of Teams to work in Word, Excel, PowerPoint or Outlook - you can access and use all ‘Office’ applications within the hub.

You get the picture.

It really is a neat and productive solution.

This course helps you get to know the beast - and equips you with the know-how to tame it. Master it and you become the Master.

Course Curriculum - Here is What you Get

Shelley Fishel Fishel

Introducing Shelley Fishel - The MS Office Maestro

I was so excited when the 3 computers arrived. I was finally going to be able to get rid of all the bits of paper, linking one piece of information to another. Now I could build a database.

The only problem was, I had no idea how. So, I bought a book about Access and taught myself.

And that’s what I’ve been doing ever since.

I didn’t get the education I wanted when I was younger. By the time I was 17, I had to leave school to take over running my father’s business. I’ve always had a head for organizing. Give me a list and I’m happy. Done √ Next!

Because I didn’t finish my education, it was logical that I would stay at home when I got married and had children. And I loved so much of it. My family is at the heart of my life, and I love it when people feel comfortable and cared for. I’ve even become a bit famous for my Friday Shabbat baking photos (join me on Instagram for those).

But even back then I knew I could do much more (I’d already run one company and done admin for another) and I wanted to earn my own money too.

The kids grew and I moved back into the workforce over 20 years ago, eventually finding a wonderful training company where I learned my trade.  

Being fiercely independent, my next step was starting my own company. I discovered I loved working with PAs and EAs. I get how they think and what they do. They have lots of different responsibilities and contacts; they’re the lynchpin, sorting everything and everybody out. And above all, their goal is helping their manager perform at their best.

I can relate to that, because I want nothing more than to help YOU perform at your best. 

Over the years I’ve realized that I love to break down complex activities into simple steps that I can explain in a step-by-step practical way. #loveroflists

I never call myself a Microsoft expert. I just help you get things done quicker, easier, and more elegantly (and without drowning in Google first).  

I can’t put it better than what a long-term client said about me recently: “Shelley’s like the angel on my shoulder”. I love that! 

Start Your Course with Shelley Today

The Assistants Guide to Taming Microsoft Teams


  • Learn about Microsoft Teams

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