How to Use Microsoft Teams as a Trainer, Speaker or Coach

Everything You Need to Successfully Deliver Remote and Online Training, Presentations, Talks, and Coaching using the Power of Microsoft Teams

Course Summary
The ONLY Microsoft Teams Training You Need to Train, Speak and Coach Online And Work Remotely With Confidence
(and why Sir David Attenborough would be
proud of you for taking action on this)

The world needs you right now.
But you may have to be as good at adapting to the environment as the little known beetle of the Namib Desert - which can extract water out of thin air.
Are you a trainer?
Companies, teams and individuals need great trainers. Your mission is to teach them skills, processes, models and techniques.
Are you a speaker or presenter?
People want wonderful speakers who can motivate, entertain and inspire.
Are you a coach?
Brilliant coaches are needed across all walks of life and business. So many individuals, teams and organisations are in need of skillful and empathetic support.
Demand is also there for consultants and other professionals who can help people to solve problems, overcome challenges and enjoy better results.
You know you have what it takes to help and deliver success but there’s a snag or two to overcome.
Face-to-face gatherings and in-person meetings may not be possible. Remote working is on the rise. Businesses are cutting back and reviewing their training, consultancy and coaching options. In a time of uncertainty they are looking for clarity.
What’s the answer?
You adapt.
You switch to online delivery. You work remotely. You serve your clients and customers with 100 per cent of you, just as you would if together in the room.
The time to do it is now or you risk missing out.

Introducing Microsoft Teams to the Rescue.

Microsoft Teams is the ace up your sleeve.

It’s perfect as a way to offer clients an alternative to cancelled bookings, postponements and re-scheduling.

It’s the way forward as many larger organisations have employees in multiple locations, in one country or across the globe.

It’s a trending tool as businesses offer their people increasingly flexible working - and try to do their bit for the planet.

To survive you must be able to adapt to the changing environment.

Just think of the plants and animals in the natural world. They are masters at it.

There is a species of beetle, stenocara gracilipes, which lives in the Namib Desert in Southern Africa - one of the most arid places on earth. This tiny beetle climbs to the top of the sand dunes at dawn and cleverly collects moisture from the morning fog. A life-saving ritual.

In Alaska, wood frogs take extreme measures to survive the fierce winter. They freeze more than half their body so it’s like ice. They stop breathing and their heart stops beating. In Spring, they ‘thaw out’ and come back to life.

Cuttlefish are able to escape predators and sneak up on prey by being able to change colour and texture to match their surroundings. They can sense the light around them and mimic the environment. Their three skin layers (yellow, red and brown) can be stretched in different ways to make unique colours and patterns.

They set us humans the example.

When You Adapt You Survive and Thrive

Microsoft Teams is a very powerful communications tool for online training, online talks, online presenting, online problem solving and online coaching.
Here is just some of what it allows you to do (without the need for travel, hassle or hotels):
    •  Give talks and presentations to an audience anywhere the world
    •  Deliver training days or sessions online with no loss of content quality
    •  Offer clients and customers greater flexibility in working with you
    •  Provide effective 1-2-1, group or team sessions online
    •  Share your screen with all participants
    •  Upload files and documents – before, during and after the event
    •  Create private ‘spaces’ so people can chat, discuss or work together in smaller groups
    • ✔ Manage the communications and admin for ALL your projects and different clients
    •  Keep everything in one place so it’s easy to find.
Microsoft Teams can handle it all – and it also plays well with other online tools and applications if integration is important.

When you know how to use Teams with confidence you can focus on serving your audience and creating the WOW factor. 

Show clients how you can deliver great content, inspire their people, or provide coaching support which nurtures results and positive impact.

And that’s where my online training course helps.

Here’s What You Will Be Shown How To Do...

I created this online training specifically for trainers, speakers and coaches.

It also works for you if you are a consultant, presenter or other professional who works in service of others.
In a series of short videos, I will guide you step-by-step. That way, you can see exactly how to do everything you need to set up and get things rolling.

Let me show you:

    •   How to use Teams for Training, Speaking and Coaching
    • ✔ How to set up an online training session
    • ✔ How to invite people to your session
    • ✔ How to create private spaces for small-group chat, discussion or working
    • ✔ How to upload files, charts or other documents
    • ✔ How to manage clients and projects in ONE space
I will also share my ideas for how you can use Teams to run a training session.

The course covers EVERYTHING you need to know to get started.

Learn At Your Leisure

When you invest in this online training on Teams you have access for life.

You know what you need from it and how you like to pick things up - so go ahead.

Because it’s an online course you can learn any time, anywhere. At home, in the office or on the move.

Follow it through from A to B or simply dip into the bits you fancy first. You decide. Go at your own pace. 

See the potential as you grow your learning. Whenever you need a refresh simply log back in. 

You can return to the videos as many times as you like.

Now is the time to adapt to the world of online.

(Sir David Attenborough would applaud your capacity to survive and thank you for reducing the impact on the planet).

See for yourself below what is covered in this course. It is designed specifically with the trainer, speaker, consultant and coach like you in mind...

What trainers are saying about this course

 This is an excellent course that does what it says and Shelley makes it flow really well. I now feel confident to use Teams to maximum effect when delivering a course, and what I need to do with clients to make the best of the software. 

Colin Tomlinson

I would recommend this course to anyone who is going to use MS Teams to support learning - either as a coach, trainer or facilitator.

The elements of the course are clear and helpful and can be accessed in a 'just-in-time' fashion so that you implement your learning straight away. The support that I received from Shelley in association with the course was great - I felt as if I could ask a question if it arose and really valued the fact that Shelley kept in touch and didn't just leave me to it!

She even let me know when she was going to be on a plane and therefore unavailable - what great customer care. :-) I'll be honest and say that I am still working my way through the course and will be doing so for some time to come because of the nature of the work that I'm currently involved in.

 That said, I have been signposting lots of people in Shelley's direction because I have confidence in her skills, knowledge and experience and her ability to get these across in ways that we can all understand. So grateful to know that she's' there when we need her!

Jackie Clifford - Clarity Learning and Development

Course Curriculum - Here's what you get

Start Your Course
with Shelley Today

Share Your Expertise, Experience and Empathy with Ease
(However the World is Right Now)

Shelley Fishel Fishel

Introducing Shelley Fishel - The MS Office Maestro

I was so excited when the 3 computers arrived. I was finally going to be able to get rid of all the bits of paper, linking one piece of information to another. Now I could build a database.

The only problem was, I had no idea how. So, I bought a book about Access and taught myself.

And that’s what I’ve been doing ever since.

I didn’t get the education I wanted when I was younger. By the time I was 17, I had to leave school to take over running my father’s business. I’ve always had a head for organizing. Give me a list and I’m happy. Done √ Next!

Because I didn’t finish my education, it was logical that I would stay at home when I got married and had children. And I loved so much of it. My family is at the heart of my life, and I love it when people feel comfortable and cared for. I’ve even become a bit famous for my Friday Shabbat baking photos (join me on Instagram for those).

But even back then I knew I could do much more (I’d already run one company and done admin for another) and I wanted to earn my own money too.

The kids grew and I moved back into the workforce over 20 years ago, eventually finding a wonderful training company where I learned my trade.  

Being fiercely independent, my next step was starting my own company. I discovered I loved working with PAs and EAs. I get how they think and what they do. They have lots of different responsibilities and contacts; they’re the lynchpin, sorting everything and everybody out. And above all, their goal is helping their manager perform at their best.

I can relate to that, because I want nothing more than to help YOU perform at your best. 

Over the years I’ve realized that I love to break down complex activities into simple steps that I can explain in a step-by-step practical way. #loveroflists

I never call myself a Microsoft expert. I just help you get things done quicker, easier, and more elegantly (and without drowning in Google first).  

I can’t put it better than what a long-term client said about me recently: “Shelley’s like the angel on my shoulder”. I love that! 

Course Pricing

Microsoft Teams for Trainers Speakers Coaches


  • This course will show you how to use Microsoft Teams when presenting your training

Yes Show me How

What Vas Are Saying About my How to Use Microsoft Teams Course...

I’ve recently starting using Teams with some of my clients, including Shelley and I have to say, I find it so useful.  It means there is just one central place to converse, store files and even phone each other.  It’s made life so much easier and has streamlined my business processes hugely.  I’ll definitely be using it with more of my clients.
Zita Lewis - VA to Shelley Fishel and owner of ZIta Lewis - Helping You Helping Your Business  

Testimonial Microsoft Teams Course
Testimonial Microsoft Teams Course
Microsoft Teams Testimonial