From Word to PowerPoint - the art of creating a slide deck from a document

How to create gorgeous and cool Slide Deck Presentations from a simple Word document (without the rigmarole of repeated ‘copy and paste’)

Do You REALLY Want to ‘Copy and Paste’ EVERY Time They Ask You to Do This?

You know the scenario.

A client  or your Executive sends you a Word document and says: “Can you work your magic on this and turn it into a presentation?”

And your heart sinks a little.

Yes, of course you can turn those pages into slides for PowerPoint. You’re a star... but you know how long it’s going to take you. And there’s one repetitive bit that just feels a bit of a mind-numbing chore.

Copy and paste. Copy and paste. Copy and paste. Copy and paste. Copy and paste.

And repeat until you’ve transferred it all over from Word.

Time-consuming and not that exciting.

But it doesn’t have to be that way...

There’s a creative shortcut.

It speeds things up, saves you time and makes the process a lot more fun.

Let me show you how. This 90-minute training gives you everything you need to turn a simple Word document into a slide deck as cool, clear and jazzy as a spring gig in the park.

You’ll get back the time you spend on this course with the first project you handle, using what you now know.

Every time after that you’ll get the job done better and faster. Your clients and Executives will think you’re either a genius or a magician. They’ll wonder how you managed it (but it can be our little secret).

This is a short, easy-to-follow, training but packs a punch when it comes to content.

How to do some VA Wizardry

In this course you will discover in Microsoft Word how to:

    • Apply, create and modify document Styles
    • Create a document outline
    • Get headings and sub-headings looking the same, super quick
    • Apply Styles to any document you are given
    • Create and save templates (to speed things up and save time)
    • Generate a table of contents in just a few rapid clicks
    • Set up brand-driven Style Sets (to match each client you work with)
  • Apply, create and modify document Styles
  • Create a document outline
  • Get headings and sub-headings looking the same super quick
  • Apply Styles to any document you are given
  • Create and save templates ( to speed things up and save time)
  • Generate a Table of Contents in just a few rapid clicks
  • Set up brand-driven style stets ( to match each client or department you work with

In the same course, you’ll be shown in PowerPoint how to:

  • Modify the Slide Master for a flying start to your project
  • Import a Word document and reset the Styles
  • Insert pictures, tables, charts and backgrounds
  • Import slides from a different presentation to your deck
  • Add cool icons and shapes
  • Use SmartArt to tame your bullet points and create a timeline
  • Crop, resize and compress images
  • Put Design Ideas into action (and get just the look you want)

The Magic is Already Out There

When I shared this knowledge and training at the Exec Sec Tech virtual event, the audience went ‘Wow!’. When you take this course, I think you’ll be the same. It really does feel like you’re waving a magic wand at your computer.

I’m not promising you’ll be able to ditch ‘copy and paste’ forever but knowing how to create a smart deck of slides from a simple Word document will make your life so much easier.

Find out for yourself and invest in your future with this step-by-step training. You’ll wonder how and why you never knew about this VA wizardry before.

Course Curriculum - Here's What You Get

Shelley Fishel Fishel

Introducing Shelley Fishel - The MS Office Maestro

I was so excited when the 3 computers arrived. I was finally going to be able to get rid of all the bits of paper, linking one piece of information to another. Now I could build a database.

The only problem was, I had no idea how. So, I bought a book about Access and taught myself.

And that’s what I’ve been doing ever since.

I didn’t get the education I wanted when I was younger. By the time I was 17, I had to leave school to take over running my father’s business. I’ve always had a head for organizing. Give me a list and I’m happy. Done √ Next!

Because I didn’t finish my education, it was logical that I would stay at home when I got married and had children. And I loved so much of it. My family is at the heart of my life, and I love it when people feel comfortable and cared for. I’ve even become a bit famous for my Friday Shabbat baking photos (join me on Instagram for those).

But even back then I knew I could do much more (I’d already run one company and done admin for another) and I wanted to earn my own money too.

The kids grew and I moved back into the workforce over 20 years ago, eventually finding a wonderful training company where I learned my trade.  

Being fiercely independent, my next step was starting my own company. I discovered I loved working with PAs and EAs. I get how they think and what they do. They have lots of different responsibilities and contacts; they’re the lynchpin, sorting everything and everybody out. And above all, their goal is helping their manager perform at their best.

I can relate to that, because I want nothing more than to help YOU perform at your best. 

Over the years I’ve realized that I love to break down complex activities into simple steps that I can explain in a step-by-step practical way. #loveroflists

I never call myself a Microsoft expert. I just help you get things done quicker, easier, and more elegantly (and without drowning in Google first).  

I can’t put it better than what a long-term client said about me recently: “Shelley’s like the angel on my shoulder”. I love that! 

Course Pricing

From Word to PowerPoint


  • The Art of Creating a Slide Deck from a Document

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